Contact Us Module

This training guide is for Full Admin Users in the Contact Us Module



  • We recommend you sign up for the email notification whenever a customer completes the 'Contact Us' section on your website
  • The 'Contact Us' module is a database that contains an entry for each time the form is submitted.
  • You can use the module to view more details AND/OR as a workflow
  • Click on the pencil icon in the Actions column to open up the form


  1. Use the scroll bars to assign a team member to follow-up with the customer
  2. The status can be updated to help track the conversation
    1. New
    2. Received
    3. Completed
    4. Spam
  3. Update the Subject if desired
    1. General Inquiry
    2. Request Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
    3. Orders
    4. Quote Request
    5. Feedback
    6. Service Request


  1. View your customer's comments and other information
  2. You can update the fields as needed


  1. You can upload files to this section so to keep everything together in one online location
  2. Click the upload button
  3. Choose the file from your computer



  1. Use the 'Filter by Status' to narrow down the fields
    1. Choose the status
    2. Click 'Go' 
  2. Use the Search to find a customer
    1. Type the name
    2. Click 'Go'