Utilizing the "Ads" module in MOCE/DiB Admin and how to embed a Flipping Book
Author: Christopher Bookmyer
Customizing a FlippingBook (default look)
1. Change default description
2. Change skin to “white style”
3. Remove branding
- Remove logo & background image
4. Turn off sound & fullscreen controls
5. Change page turn mode to “slide” under settings
Utilizing FlippingBook on the Ads module
1. Select duration dates
2. Embedding the pdf
- click embed on the selected pdf on FlippingBook
- take just the url portion of the embed code (ie. https://online.flippingbook.com/view/509909404/)
- in ads module content section, paste the url
- wrap the url in an iframe and append height & width styles.. your code should look
like this:
<iframe src="https://online.flippingbook.com/view/509909404/" height="800" width="100%"></iframe>
Finally, wrap the iframe in a formstack div.. your code should look like this:
<div class="EmbedFormStack">
<div class="EmbedFormStackInner">
height="800" width="100%"></iframe>
This code will allow you to adjust the size of the pdf (make it look more user-friendly
on mobile)
3. Don’t forget to fill out Page title, keywords, and description!
4. Refer to Farm & Home Hardware “September 2021 Sales Flyer” if you need help!