How to Update Store Location Information

This training guide is for Full Admin Users in the Store Locations Module

  1. In the MOCE Admin go to Store Locations
  2. Click on the pencil icon for the store you want to update
You do not need to update the top section

You can update the Contact Information section as needed
    1. Map Image - see below in Settings/Config

Store Hours
    1. Update the Start Time and End Time for each day
    2. Use the slider button to indicate if you are closed for a day

    1. The Latitude and Longitude are set for your store.
    2. Map Image (in the Settings/Config section) you can generate the map image
    3. Rental Service - change the slider to YES if needed
    4. Exclude from Store Locator - NO.  

Truck Delivery Days
    1. Pickup Day - customers will see the estimated pick-up day based upon this selection.  Delivery Day + 2 Business Days will show your customer that their order can be picked up two days after the truc delivery (i.e. 1/1 is the delivery day will show that the customer can pick up their order on 1/3)
    2. Update your Order Day and Delivery Day as needed

Submit to save your changes