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  2. MOCE Professional Plan Resources

Epicor Eagle POS Integration for the Professional Plan

Utilize these steps to take full advantage of the MOCE/Epicor integration:

  1. Your Epicor Eagle POS will need to be on version 29.1 (minimum) (In Epicor, click on the "Help" button at the top right of the menu options to determine your current version)
  2. After you have met this requirement here is a document that outlines the next steps that need to occur within your Epicor environment: (Download Epicor Integration Instructions & v30.1 Inventory Integration Process)
  3. Once the Epicor actions are complete, JH Specialty will create a staging website so that you can see how your pricing, inventory, and promotions are being transferred before launching directly to the public.  Your program manager will notify you when this is ready.
  4. Upon review and approval of the information being displayed on the staging environment, it is time to transition this information to your live MOCE website.
  5. Your program manager will notify you that your site is live and work with you to ensure you and your team are satisfied with your live site.

Patch 8790 

Patch 0005

Patch 0236

v30.1 Inventory Integration Process

Additional Reference Material: Professional Order Processing