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  2. MOCE - Editing
  3. Pages - Create and Edit ( Standard + )

Create or Edit a Page

How to create a new page or edit an existing one in MOCE


If you're editing a page that has extensive formatting (columns, buttons, headers) applied, contact your MOCE Program Manager or click here for assistance

  1. Page Heading - Name your page (the URL for the Page Name will be generated based on this, so you can always edit later if needed or just have a change of heart.) 

  2. Start typing, start adding! 👍 Seriously. For real. You can't break it, so experiment and use these guidelines for editing:

  3. Page Name - Change this if it's too long....or just not an impressive-looking URL
  4. Page Title - Don't worry about it....it will generate itself! 
  5. Page Keywords - provide 3-7 meta keywords as possible to help your customers find your website.   Examples: products, services, brands, important stuff
  6. Page Description - Enter in a sentence or two up to 120 characters that is a call to action for your page. This field is displayed when customers use a Google search. 🔎 👨‍💻



7. Don't forget to save! Don't worry. You can always go back and change it if you don't like it.✌️

Fun Stuff when you're adding an image:

 Be sure to include ‘Title’ that briefly describes the image.                                               Example: Image of Traeger Grill. Make title ‘Traeger Grill’

This will ensure that your images remain ADA-compliant, Alt Tag

See this for more learning about images and alt-tags!

👋  Still here? Did you get stuck? One of our helpful MOCE folks can help! Click here